Many people have made possible the realization of this odyssey, and the telling of this tale. The following list of acknowledgments is but partial. The list will expand over time as the story unfolds into the present and the future. It took the whole circle to make the story happen, and all parts merit repect and appreciation. To all, thank you.
Meegwich, thank you, to Mishomis Ojigkwanong Grandfather William Commanda, thank you to all the walkers and helpers who carry the heart of the story. In particular I want to acknowledge and thank Tom Dostou and Naoko Haga, and their children, for the role they played in inspiring, organizing, and driving the walk on to the West. Also the Sunbow 5 Foundation, including Tom and Naoko, John and Julie Heyman, and Gayil Nalls.
I offer my deep gratitude and appreciation to all of the walkers and all the people who helped the pilgrimage along, offering food, water, shelter, strength and encouragement. I thank the many hundreds of elders we encountered, who shared so generously of their teachings and insights, demonstrating the human grace of the giveaway ceremony again and again. Technical pilgrim Andrew Adelman created the form of this website for a song, making the cyber journey simple and beautiful.
With her customary generosity of spirit, my wife, the late Carolyn Clay Mercer-McFadden blessed me, and sent me forth on the journey. Jacki Hayward Gauger played an important part in the walk and in my life, and so I want to acknowledge with gratitude the wisdom and strength she offered on the odyssey east to west, south to north.
In the months before Odyssey of the 8th Fire began to unfold on these web pages in 2006, the muse appeared in my life in the form of Elizabeth Wolf. For her love, inspiration and intellectual rigor, I offer my heart's paean of admiration and appreciation: Meegwich.
Other helpers include: Lotte Abraham, Mark Anderson, Mary Lou Awiakta, Sharon Bach, Thomas Banyacya, Ed Begley, Jr., Ernest Benedict, Kim Benedict, Tom Benson, Alvinia Bridges, Iver Broken Nose, Jennifer Byington, Shane Carraveo, Frank Carpenter, Gilbert and Perry Chickasa, Stephen Clarke, Margret Descares, Elizabeth Dinges, Jim and Willa Dooley,
Cahuilla Margaret Red Elk, Ray Erlandson, Dan Evehema, Moondancer and Sandy Ezrine, Linda Fabus, Susan Farlow, Karen Fletcher, Tonya Frichner, Pat Freeman, Rodrigo Fuentes, Larry Garnia, Martin Gashweseoma, Lisa Gibson-McMahon, Blair Gilbert, Phil Gonsalves, Kim Hazard, Tarwater and Charla Herman, Patty Hiller, Elaine Hopson, Ota Hora, Frank James, Art and Frances Jurado, Mary Kearns-Lawson, Diane Kerker, Cindy Kent, Ellen Kleiner, J.C. Lawson, Johnie (Standing Woman) and Bob Leverett, Charlotte (Sparrow) Lott, Jose Lucereo, Ramon Mendoza, Betsy Millard, Ms. Scott Morrison, Deborah Muldow, Rene Murillo, Tek and Arlene Nickerson, Tomela Luise, Joe Parker, Bob Mangem, Phil Kratzer, Manuel and Vera Rocha, Delphine Redshirt, Debra Russell, Emily Phillips, Evan Pritchard, Dorothy Purley, Rosemary Richmond, Virginia Romero, Debra Russell, Val and Gina Resnick, Beth Sampson, Linda White Wolf Sanchez, Barbara “Many Hearts” Schellreff, Theresa Sefcik, Sandi Sheppard, Joanne Sonia, Jack Spenser, Bob Staffordson, Elsa Stamatopoulou, Betsy Stang, Robert Stang, Bud Tackett, Bill Teague, Jane Therese, Mary Thunder, Gary Trujillo, Bill Van Eron, Elizabeth Volpicelli, Terry and Vickie Waite, Cynthia Walker, Bill Watkinson, Linda West, Lora West, Mike White Hawk, Mary Ellen Wickum, Odette Wright, Rev. Sam Wynn, Michael Zwiker...
... more to come as the months unfold...
Meegwich, with respect and gratitude for one and all, Steven
The Sunbow 5 Walkers
(This list needs help, Sunbow Walkers. Drop me a line and help me to make the list more accurate and complete)
Tim Burress
Charles Byington
Charlie Commando and daughter Samantha
Shane Carraveo
Lora Czarnowsky
Kathleen (Kay) Deschenes
Aaron Dostou
Dierdre Doustou
Tom Dostou
James & Norma Duncan, and 5 daughters
(Heather, Jennifer, Jacqueline, Miriah, Alexis)
Sam Dunkley
Running Fawn
Eli Fischer
Gayle Ford
Scott French
Jerome Gabriel
Dorothy Mugs Gabriel
Jacki Hayward Gauger
Dennis Gonsalves
Kazu Haga
Erica Haga
Naoko Haga
Negumi Haga
Steven Jaffe
Silverio Jimenez
Ralph Jones
Kinue Hirata Kamvicimo
Charlotte Kitchen
Scott Kecken
Toby Keyes and daughter Swan
Phil Kratzer
Serge Lauzon
Gaston Lavoie
Grandmother Johnie Leverett
VaLaine Lighty
Alycia Longriver (Kokum)
Polly MacNicol
Connie Maisonneauve
Steven McFadden
Yvette and Stanley Michel
Larry and Clair Mitchell, Jay Mitchell
Brianna Muggli
Barbie Nicholson
Michael Nicholson
Pat "Three Rivers" Nicholson
Sherry Noser
Ned Paschene
Clayton Peters
Lucy Probyn
Dave Reid
Roy Little Sun Steevenz
Einar Sunde
Monica Swinkels
Regula (Rella) Vellacott
Jeanny Veronneau
Rita Sebastian
Joe Soto, Ineke Soto, Julia Soto (Doongees)
Junji Shimanuki
Eric Vincelette
Linda West
Mary Ellen Wickum
Jun Yasuda
Byron Young
Dean, Stacey, Richard, Brother Benjamin, Tony, etc...